Modern cosmetic dentistry allows us to restore your teeth with beautiful, durable restorations. In fact, we usually have several options to achieve the results you’re looking for. If you want to reshape your teeth, for example, you can choose between porcelain crowns and veneers.

But one of the most common areas where you will have to make the decision about your restoration is with fillings. Tooth-colored fillings come in two varieties: composite resins and ceramic. How do you know which is the right one for your cavity? Here are a few questions to ask.

Pick the Best Dental Filling | Irvine Dentist

How Big Is the Cavity?

This is the most important question to ask before making this decision. For small cavities, composite resin works great. In these situations, it is highly durable and won’t lead to any adverse effects. It’s better because it doesn’t require the removal of extra natural tooth material–it can fit in small spaces easily.

Larger cavities can be problematic for composite fillings. They can be time consuming and may not cure properly. They may significantly weaken the tooth They may lead to pressure sensitivity. For larger fillings, lean towards ceramic fillings that provide strength when they repair teeth.

Is This a New or Replacement Filling?

It’s important to consider whether you’re getting a new filling or a replacement. For most new fillings, composite resin fillings are a great choice.

When you’re replacing fillings, such as in a full moth rejuvenation, consider ceramic fillings. This is especially true if you’re replacing metal amalgam fillings. Due to the thermal expansion and contraction of metal amalgam fillings, you’re more likely to have microcracking in the teeth, which weakens them. They need the strength provided by ceramic fillings.

How Strong Are Your Teeth?

Not everyone has teeth that are strong. Your teeth may not be as strong as other people’s teeth naturally, or you may have weakened them with acidic or sugary drinks.

If you have good, strong teeth, composite fillings are fine. If you’ve experienced one or more cracked or chipped teeth in the past, lean toward ceramic fillings to help protect your teeth in the future.

How Visible Is the Filling?

Tooth colored fillings are great because they are so attractive. Both types of fillings can look beautiful when new or when properly maintained. However, composite fillings are vulnerable to staining. They can also lose their polish, giving them a duller luster than tooth enamel. But ceramic fillings resist staining and maintain their polish well. That makes them a great choice for fillings that are going to be highly visible.

Find a Dentist You Can Trust

The best way to make this decision is to find a dentist you trust to make it for you. Although you can use these questions to help guide you to an answer, the most important question you should ask is the one to your dentist, “What do you recommend?” Your dentist has the training and experience to make the best decision for you. When you trust your dentist, you can leave these decisions to them.

If you are looking for a dentist you can trust in Orange County, please call (949)916 0178 today for an appointment with Dr. Thompson at OC Smile Solutions. With more than 17 years serving the community, we have earned the trust of our many loyal patients, and we will justify your trust in us.

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Thompson Dental

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Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

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Mon: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Tue: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Wed: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Thu: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Fri: 8:30am – 12:00pm

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