Gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is more commonly known as acid reflux disease, can cause more problems than simply upsetting your stomach. In fact, did you know that acid reflux can actually hurt your oral health? Sadly, GERD (the abbreviation for acid reflux) causes stomach acid to back up into your esophagus and sometimes into your mouth.
This can be problematic because it can erode your enamel, which is the hard, outer layer of your teeth. Similarly, people who suffer from GERD also tend to have dryer mouths. Unfortunately, a dry mouth means you’ll have lost saliva in your mouth, which create an environment where bad bacteria and plaque can grow. Ultimately, this can lead to tooth decay, cavities, and can further erode your enamel.
Still, please note that acid reflux is hard to diagnose, but a dentist is often the first health care professional able to notice the early signs of acid reflux. Aside from issues with your teeth, the symptoms of GERD often include sinus infections, heartburn, difficulty swallowing, coughing, hoarseness and bad breath.
Still, what can you do if you are suffering from GERD? Fortunately, there are a few things you can consider. For instance, you may consider limiting the amount of acidic foods and beverages you drink. For instance, you should probably limit the number of sodas, juices, and alcoholic drinks you consume. You may also want to avoid citric fruits like oranges and lemons. If you suffer from a dry mouth, try to increase your water intake. Finally, our dentist may be able to recommend medications that will help you with your specific needs.
If you have acid reflux, or suspect that you have acid reflex, we recommend scheduling an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Thompson. Our team can inspect the color of your mouth to identify problems caused by GERD. If our team is able to identify your issue early, we can help you overcome these issues. Simply call Thompson Dental at 949-558-0111 to schedule an appointment with us. We’re excited to hear from you.